Better Home & Living Show
3-5th May 2013
Westpac Stadium
Yes it has been a while in between posts, but I do have news! Verdant Design will again be at the Better Home & Living Show.
We will feature the gorgeous Armadillo Rugs made from NZ Wool and there are some hemp ones too!
We will also be showcasing the organic fabric range from Vida Textiles. You can check out Vida's range at
I will also be presenting a seminar:
Rennovating and Styling your home Ecologically:
ideas to manage your renovations and style your home with the environment in mind.
This is a free seminar with entry to the show at 1.30pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday
For a entry discount voucher just right click below, save to your desktop / Open file from desktop/right click / print
(if you do have any problems with this convoluted way of printing just email and we will send you back a jpeg file, or if you have a better way pleeease do let us know!) To borrow and adapt a client's quote, "I know nothing about (computers), I do (interiors)!